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VCDS - Stream & Maxidot - Octavia Combi


Doporučené příspěvky


I am posting this in English as I am from the UK, and unfortunately do not speak Czech.


I have posted this question on the UK forum Briskoda, but nobody knows the answer.


On the Stream radio and MaxiDot display, Is It Possible to change the image of the vehicle to a combi, Rather Than the liftback, using VCDS coding?


This is on a 2005 Octavia Combi.



I have copied the Google Translate version of my question into Czech below:


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This was translated through Google, and I'm sorry, that is wrong.
I'm posting this in English, because I'm from the UK, and unfortunately do not speak Czech.
I posted this question on British Forum Briskoda, but nobody knows the answer.
Stream radio and Maxi dot display, it is possible to change the image of the vehicle to the station wagon, rather than the liftback, using VCD encoding?
It is on the Octavia Combi, 2005.
Thank you!
Editováno: , autor: softscoop
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