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Fabulous Fabia


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What to say? AMAZING! An excellent work with the interior and airbrush. The built with the speakers back are super!

Can see that you have done a little changing with the hood too. Seems to be a little bit longer now than before.

Are you finished now or have you more plans with the car?


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Sorry, misunderstanding:

Svanco wrote for Fila:

"Hi, The interior is perfekt, I`ll have a little simmilar. :D .

Now am searching for wheels, here in CZ is to low choise. I would like to ask you

if you are able to be disposed to help me, and how much cost these wheels in your country. "


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kluci potřeboval bych překlad :

mám dotaz na kola , jestli je ochotnej mi sehnat a co to tak vyhcázi u nich ?

a ještě že má hezkéj interier a že sme se trošku ve stylu sešli  :)


He asks about your rhims. How much does they cost in Belgium and if anyone could help him to get them.

And that you have nice interior right in his style

Hehe, thats all i can translate with my english -_-

Editováno: , autor: Mustafa
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I understand German so if somebody want's to write something in another language than English please German (or French) but NOT Czech! :D

A bit to difficult for me :)

They cost around 2.500€ with tyres, without shipping (I think).

The shop I bought these from are the main distributors in Europe.

Everything from Lexani, Asanti, Giovanna,... comes from the US of A through this shop.



There's an e-mail adress on the "contact"page.

You can send him an e-mail and ask your questions.

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I understand German so if somebody want's to write something in another language than English please German (or French) but NOT Czech! :D

A bit to difficult for me :)

They cost around 2.500€ with tyres, without shipping (I think).

The shop I bought these from are the main distributors in Europe.

Everything from Lexani, Asanti, Giovanna,... comes from the US of A through this shop.



There's an e-mail adress on the "contact"page.

You can send him an e-mail and ask your questions.

Translation 4 svanco:

Fila rozumí německy a francouzsky, takže pokud nelze anglicky, můžete se ptát takto.

Kola stojí cca 2.500€ i sgumama, ale myslí, že to je bez dopravy. Firma, kde je kupoval, je hlavní distributor pro Evropu - Lexani, Asanti, Giovanna atd...co je z US.

Stránky jsou




Je tam kontaktní email, kam můžeš svanco poslat svý dotazy ;)

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