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Where could I find it ?

Host Guest_Cedric

Doporučené příspěvky

Host Guest_Cedric

Could someone tell me if this part is to sell somewhere in Belgium, or anywhere else ?


I've seen it on a lot of fabias on the net so i think it's to sell somewhere, but where ???

Just for information i'm french, so i'm sory if my langage is not perfect...

I'm gonna completely modify my girlfriend's fabia because I made it 4 years ago and i'm fed up with this look now :D



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Hi Cedric :) welcome to the community ;)

As Schlumpf mentioned, this part is not sold, but made from handy tinsmith - mostly in accordance to car owner´s wishes. So the only chance is to visit some body shop and ask them for possibilities and pricing.

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Thanks for your answers, and for my interior too :D

At the beginning i was thinking that was custom made, but after having seen it on many fabias...

So i'm going to do it myself, that's not very hard to do but it would have been easyer to buy it :p

The wheels are going to be changed (just as the front and rear bumpers), i'll put kosei s02 in 17" because it's right 16" wheels are too small for this car...


The final look will be such as the following fabia, but in another colour:



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