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O uživateli bojan1

  • Narozeniny 08/04/1988

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636 zobrazení profilu

Oznámení bojan1


Nováček (1/14)



  1. Are you sure, because I want to put xenon here...
  2. HI everyone! I have chance to get very cheap one complet of chinese xenon kit but I don't know what xenon package (H3, H4, H7 etc) do I need, because I want to put xenon lights into cells for fog lights at Octavia I... Do anybody know what type of xenon do I need???? So one more time to repet I want xenon in octavia fog light cell
  3. bojan1

    LED for O-I

    Ahoj Is it possible to find LED headlights and stoplighst in CZ for Octavia I (2001-)??? ???
  4. Hello... Can anybody tell me is there any shop in Praha where can I buy next things... this one, or similar... Thank you, Bojan Sarajevo
  5. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  6. Hi everyone... I want to inform You that we Škoda drivers in Bosnia have made our local Škoda klub. Our web site is www.bh-skoda-klub.com I hope we will have great relationship and in future maybe we will come to CZ to visit some big Škoda event. I usually come every sumer to Praha so it would be great to meet some of you guys in Praga... Best regards from Sarajevo... Bojan BH ŠKODA KLUB
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