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Hello form Ukraine!


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hello guys,

greetings from Ukrainian Skoda Club!

you have a very good informational resource here. even though we can barely understand what you are discussing here, there's plenty useful info even for us :)

what i was wondering about.

i see a lot of octavia pictures over the internet with modified back lights like these:


where can these be bought?

who is the manufacturer?

maybe there's a kind of internet-shop with international delivery service?

thanks for your attention in advance!


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Hi there.

These lights are from the same manufacturer like original lights are. They are even the same, with little difference - the case is not red, but clear.

This was very limited series, and is no longer in market (it has never been there - it could have beeen bought on some car meetings or over internet only).

There is also one big problem with red light source - you have to have red bulb, or red led bulb, and it is not easy to find it as to be working for long time without color distortion. In most countries cars has to have red tail reflector, which is usualy in the light, but there is white reflector in those clear lights and this is second problem.

I bought some older pair few months ago. The only place, where I have seen these was this site : http://www.autofam.cz/index.php?page=produ...9df32e53567c5ad but I am not sure, whether they realy have these in stock.

Good luck with finding :)

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ahoj to all :)

actually that company was the only place i've found in the internet also. ;)

i've tried to contact them a couple of months ago, but got no reply...

i don't know what's the problem - maybe it's not interesting for them to make international delivery or simply they do not speak english..

anyway, thanks a lot for your concern, will be trying to monitor.


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ahoj to all :)

actually that company was the only place i've found in the internet also. ;)

i've tried to contact them a couple of months ago, but got no reply...

i don't know what's the problem - maybe it's not interesting for them to make international delivery or simply they do not speak english..

anyway, thanks a lot for your concern, will be trying to monitor.


I tried to call them but the line was busy everytime I called there. ;) Dirty company!

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I think there is not problem with language. I wrote them yesterday, in czech of course, and got no reply - same as you....

i remeber that i have tried to buy these lights there about two years ago and they told me that they are permanently out of stock and that it is a mistake that they are still in the eshop...

so who knows...

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