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How much is diesel in CZ?


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Worse in France than CZ?

A website I read said it would be roughly 75p a litre in France too. Makes sense as I can fill up in Calais on the way over, and then top up my car and two jerry cans with diesel on the way back. ;)

Well i would like to remind you that it's illegal in some countries to have additional cans with gas in your car. :unsure::disgust::(

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Well i would like to remind you that it's illegal in some countries to have additional cans with gas in your car.  :unsure:  :disgust:  :(

Jason, I don't think you'll be allowed to transport fuel on the ferry. Anyhow, what's the overall saving going to be eh!, it'll hardly be barely worth it mate.

Gotta watch the pennies mate, then they'll be pounds. f***ing hell, I sound like someone off Mary f***ing Poppins. :D:smich::smich:

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Well i would like to remind you that it's illegal in some countries to have additional cans with gas in your car.   :unsure:  :disgust:  :(

Jason, I don't think you'll be allowed to transport fuel on the ferry. Anyhow, what's the overall saving going to be eh!, it'll hardly be barely worth it mate.

Gotta watch the pennies mate, then they'll be pounds. f***ing hell, I sound like someone off Mary f***ing Poppins. :D:smich::smich:


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