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Octavia A5 dashboard with MAXI DOT


Doporučené příspěvky

What is required for installation Octavia A5 dashboard with MAXI DOT?

Must you do it only with the dealer or can everyone who has VAG COM?

Supposedly, it is necessary to be connected online VAG sever...

Is this true?

Can you answer as soon as possible, it's quite urgent

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You need the Secret Key Code (SKC) from the cluster to do the swap.

If you go to Skoda dealer they have to go online to retrieve it. They cannot even view the SKC and tell you what it is.

VAGCOM cannot retrieve SKC.

If you have vagtacho or vagdash program etc then you can retrieve it yourself.

You must have the SKC for the immobilizer matching.

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  • o 2 týdny později...
You need the Secret Key Code (SKC) from the cluster to do the swap.

If you go to Skoda dealer they have to go online to retrieve it. They cannot even view the SKC and tell you what it is.

VAGCOM cannot retrieve SKC.

If you have vagtacho or vagdash program etc then you can retrieve it yourself.

You must have the SKC for the immobilizer matching.

Is this the (SKC) with four digits? For example, 8567? If you already have it, can I Maxi Dot coded using VAG COM?

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