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předělání budíků octavii II na face


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Potreboval bych RS FL MAXIDOT diesel a dat to do OII 2005 vcetne IMMO !!! :-)

Mam tam MAXIDOT predFL ten bych dal pryc.

Chtel bych tam pak dodelat i multifunkcni volant.

Muzes napsat cenu?

Urcite to bude zajimat i ostatni

Editováno: , autor: Ladinek
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  • o 3 týdny později...
  • o 5 měsíců později...
  • o 1 měsíc později...

To je pravda, ale je docela složitý to zjistit, protože detaily nikdo neřekne. Někteří to radši ani dělat nechtěj. Ty nevím jak seš na tom, ale když jsem se ptal třeba Jardy (rolbaře), tak dělal snad jedno auto, pár jich viděl a nějak se do toho už pouštět nechce právě z důvodu, že to není úplně 100% funkční. Ale třeba se něco změnilo, ptal jsem se před půl rokem.

Immo je problém, někdo ho vypíná, někdo to umí s funkčním immo. Ale k čemu immo, když chce auto někdo ukradnout, tak ho prostě ukradne. A to i přes immo, alarm, zámek řazení...

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nejde ani tak o to co jde a jestli to někdo umí

jde o to že někdo nabídne přestavbu s funkčním imobilizérem ani nepředvede, že to funguje a přitom je imobilizér nefunkční


kontrola je jednoduchá,

1/ motorová jednotka musí vypisovat VIN číslo vozu - pokud nepíše je immo  vypnuté

2/ zasunout klíč do spínačky, zalomit jej do pravého úhlu (tím se oddálí čip imma od čtečky) a nastartovat - motor by měl zhasnout

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  • o 4 týdny později...
  • o 1 měsíc později...
  • o 2 týdny později...

If you have the 'secret number' you can temporarily disable the immbolizer.

Emergency start function, activating without VAG 1551

Using the emergency start function , a vehicle with a faulty anti-theft immobilizer can be started and driven under its own power to a VW dealership.


Customer must provide proof of authorized vehicle operation/ownership with vehicle documents and identification

Key tag with covered secret number is available

Mechanically correct key available

- Switch ignition on.

- Twist setting knob for clock (on instrument cluster) clockwise while simultaneously pressing reset button for trip odometer counter.

In the display for the trip odometer counter "0000" appears and the first digit blinks.

Using the reset button for the trip odometer counter, the first digit can now be moved from "0" through "9":

- Press reset button for trip odometer counter until valid first digit of secret number is displayed, e.g. "5"

In the trip odometer counter display "5000" appears.

- Twist setting knob for clock.

In the trip odometer counter display "5000" appears and the second digit blinks.

- Press reset button for trip odometer counter until valid second digit of secret number is displayed, e.g. "3".

- Twist setting knob for clock.

In the trip odometer counter display "5300" appears and the third digit blinks.

- Press reset button for trip odometer counter until valid third digit of secret number is displayed, e.g. "4".

- Twist setting knob for clock.

In the trip odometer counter display "5340" appears and the fourth digit blinks.

- Press reset button for trip odometer counter until valid fourth digit of secret number is displayed, e.g. "9".

In the trip odometer counter display "5349" appears (example).

- When all four digits are entered, simultaneously twist clock setting knob and press reset button for trip odometer counter.

If the valid secret number has been input correctly:

trip odometer display is shown again in trip odometer counter

warning light for anti-theft immobilizer stays on


The immobilizer system is now deactivated.

Three attempts to input the secret number correctly are possible immediately. The next three attempts will not be possible for at least 10 minutes if the ignition remains switched on continuously during this time.

After the secret number has been input incorrectly three times, and the ignition switched off, the control module is locked. "FAIL" appears in the trip odometer display counter in the instrument cluster.

The waiting time between each set of attempts doubles each time to a maximum time of 255 minutes.

If during the input procedure no key/button operation occurs for longer than 30 seconds, the emergency start attempt is interrupted.

- Switch ignition off and then start engine.

The emergency start function is not operable again and must be reactivated if:

- 5 minutes have elapsed since the ignition was switched off and the ignition key removed from the ignition lock.

- 45 minutes have elapsed since the ignition was switched off, but an ignition key remained inserted in the ignition lock.

- Upon beginning an adaptation function with VAG 1551.

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Technicka dotaz poradite:


Mám budíky Facelift dal jsem je do auta predface. Ale nevidim je ve vagu budiky pisou Imobilizer aktivni a neda se do nich pripojit.....


(Dotaz kdyz mam Koncovku Diag + gateway zapojenou + Pristrojova deska + napajeni 12v tak bych se mel pripojit ne?)

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