TDIfurby Vloženo 11. Únor 2007 Sdílet Vloženo 11. Únor 2007 Has anyone got any they can show me? Any pictures. Looking for a good set of aerodynamic M3 or DTM mirrors (DTM more) Would like to retain the heated demisting function, and the electric up/down/left/right as well. Has CZ got anything to offer being the home of Skoda? Citovat Odkaz ke komentáři Sdílet na ostatní stránky More sharing options...
Patrikx Vloženo 12. Únor 2007 Sdílet Vloženo 12. Únor 2007 Hi, Do you mean mirrors like them down here? You can have them the "electrical way". I have put theese mirrors (electrical) on my Fabia and it was a little job to got the cables on right place but i works! If you´re interest you can look at my thread "Updated pictures of my Fabia", there you can see how it look like. You also need adapter-plates for the mirrors. I bought both the mirrors and adapter-plats at Patrik Citovat Odkaz ke komentáři Sdílet na ostatní stránky More sharing options...
TDIfurby Vloženo 12. Únor 2007 Autor Sdílet Vloženo 12. Únor 2007 Yes - similar. Although I would prefer those which have no "stalk" at all. They just sit flush to the door and just come a little bit out into the open. Citovat Odkaz ke komentáři Sdílet na ostatní stránky More sharing options...
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