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Octavia III


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Lepší zadní osu dostanou jen ty nejsilněší motorizace, to mě teda dostalo-takže stále bude ještě v kurzu náprava z O1. :kol-29: myslel jsem že tento vůz nebude mít soc variantu, v případě volby bude zajímavý cenový rozdíl, i když volbu nepředpokládám, buď bude mít daná motorizace tu či onu nápravu.

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tak jsem napsal autorovi toho článku:

Good morning,

due to the fact that you the author of this post: (http://carsworld.com.ua/news/142-skoda-octavia-iii-a6.html), I am writing to you with a complaint relating to copyright infringement. I would like to emphatically point out that the publication of this photomontage (http://carsworld.com.ua/uploads/posts/2012-10/1350245763_o3.jpg) you have grossly violated the copyright. This montage was created by me (Denis Kraina = DenyKr), (the specific source of the Czech Forum Skodahome.cz is http://forum.skodahome.cz/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=273027) where I published this photomontage as a forum member under the nick _Denis_. Photomontage is allowed to further disseminate publicly without my permission, but by no means out of the question delete copyright "DenyKr" that you replace your watermark "CarsWorld.com.ua"! !

This will be rectified with immediate effect (delete published photomontage or replace the original with the original copyright). If you don't do it, I will do appropriate legal action in accordance with the applicable sections relating to copyrights. In this case, this will be done along with websites Auto.cz whom you are also illegally alienated photographs and photomontages and illegal clearing watermark "Auto.cz".


Denis Kraina

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Ačkoli jsem OIII nikdy v reálu neviděl, stále mi přijde, že ji znám už dlouho.. Zatím všechny publikované detaily jsem svým odhadem trefil... V tomto případě např. tvar zadnich světel, který mi byl, navzdory všemožným spekulacím, znám už tak půl roku dopředu..

Tak uvidíme v reálu, no..

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tak jsem napsal autorovi toho článku:

Good morning,

due to the fact that you the author of this post: (http://carsworld.com...via-iii-a6.html), I am writing to you with a complaint relating to copyright infringement. I would like to emphatically point out that the publication of this photomontage (http://carsworld.com...50245763_o3.jpg) you have grossly violated the copyright. This montage was created by me (Denis Kraina = DenyKr), (the specific source of the Czech Forum Skodahome.cz is http://forum.skodaho...ttach_id=273027) where I published this photomontage as a forum member under the nick _Denis_. Photomontage is allowed to further disseminate publicly without my permission, but by no means out of the question delete copyright "DenyKr" that you replace your watermark "CarsWorld.com.ua"! !

This will be rectified with immediate effect (delete published photomontage or replace the original with the original copyright). If you don't do it, I will do appropriate legal action in accordance with the applicable sections relating to copyrights. In this case, this will be done along with websites Auto.cz whom you are also illegally alienated photographs and photomontages and illegal clearing watermark "Auto.cz".


Denis Kraina

... tak snad to k něčemu bylo, odpověď:

Hello Thank you for contacting us. Image to which you gave a link and many others in the topic of Octavia 3 we took with different resources, and placed in the original version. In the near future we will change according to your request.

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