Fabulous Fabia - Stránka 4 - Fabia - ŠKODA Forum - SKODAHOME.cz Přejít na obsah

Fabulous Fabia


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  TDIfurby napsal:
Please tell me more about the "no" bit. If you've fooled the plug for the airbag, please tell me anything about it, and any diagrams etc. :) I have all my airbags disconnected for safety, but would like to remove the light. :)

I would like to help alot but all we did was remove the airbag and placed the new steering wheel. Nothing else and I didn't get the light. I don't think we did anything special.

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  TDIfurby napsal:
That's odd. Each airbag has a connector on the end of it, and if left unconnected to an airbag, should throw up the airbag light on the dash. If you did nothing, then that gives me an idea....

Well glad to help :)

My friend has removed his airbag aswell in his Saxo and he also said I would get the light but I said I wouldn't mind so we did it and in the end I don't have a light :)

Maybe the light is broken :D;)

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OK - I plugged my airbag ECU back in and it cleared the errors with the airbag ECU communication. But I now have fresh faults which says the "resistance too high" for both the airbags, so I still have my light. A mechanic is going to measure the resistance of my passenger airbag as it's out my car and hopefully I can create a little box of trick that my two connectors can attach to and fake the plug that it is plugged into an airbag. :)

Hopefully then I can clear my last permanent dashboard light.

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I'm hoping with you :)

2 things that happened this week wich I'm very proud of.

Firstly, last sunday we had a big meeting in Belgium (Race Wars) at the circuit of Zolder where there are more than 3.000 cars.

In a first selection 200 cars are chosen for "The Circle of Gold" (the 200 best cars of the meeting). I was selected for that and I was extremely happy with it! Then a second selection happens and the best 25 of those 200 are chosen in a Top 25 Show & Shine and they get to drive on the circuit and get the cup in front of the crowd wich is sitting in front of the circuit (like GTI Mag International on the circuit of Magny-Cours) and I was chosen in it so I had to drive in front of that crowd. It was amazing! And I was so thrilled with it. Some pictures:





Secondly, yesterday a magazine came out, the biggest in Belgium, called Streettuner and I was on the cover. As you can guess I'm thrilled with that aswell! :):







And apparently if you get the cover of the May issue you also get to be on the cover of a CD called Tuning Beats, again I'm very thrilled with that :):D:


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We went to Wörthersee last week for a few days.

It was wonderfull there, beautifull cars, setting, atmosphere,...

Few pictures I found:





In Austria I went to Velden to the shop "Spar" for some groceries, when I came out there was an original Fabia on the parking newt to mine so I took a picture:


In Reifnitz there was a tuned Hungarian Fabia, stopted to take a (not so good) picture off us:


Today I got a few pictures from Stephan Repke who I had a shoot with for a German magazine a week or 2 ago, there are some wonderfull pictures with it:







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Your car is just "one of a kind"! Great pictures of your fabulous Fabia, Fila!!!!!!!! :w00t1:

I have some questions about your Cup-mirrors you have, are they electrical verstellbar? And if, is it 3- or 4-polig? The adapterplates, are they for Fabia and was it some modification so they fit? And last question, where have you bought the mirrors?

Why my questions? Hopefully I have my next Fabia as soon as possible (maybe on Friday this week)! And then, a new project can begin starting to buy all stuff!

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  Patrikx napsal:
Your car is just "one of a kind"! Great pictures of your fabulous Fabia, Fila!!!!!!!! :w00t1:

I have some questions about your Cup-mirrors you have, are they electrical verstellbar? And if, is it 3- or 4-polig? The adapterplates, are they for Fabia and was it some modification so they fit? And last question, where have you bought the mirrors?

Why my questions? Hopefully I have my next Fabia as soon as possible (maybe on Friday this week)! And then, a new project can begin starting to buy all stuff!

Not electrial verstellbar. Adapterplates are for a VW Polo, that was the easiest to fit but we still had alot to modify.

I bought them from a Dutch site but I don't remember the name :(:unsure:

@ Schlumpf: thanks but I wouldn't say THE best, there are a few other fabulous fabia's around and yours is one of those! Very sad that we didn't have the chance to take some pictures together. In July I'm going to the Nürbürgring for Recaro Days, I hope to see you there!

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